So who are you, again?

Well, I don't really know for sure.

I'm a Pakistani teenager who's only ever lived in the same country for a maximum of 3 years. Parts of me were formed in places far apart from each other; a trend that continues still. At this point, I don't think I could ever survive staying in the same place for too long.

I like chilling breezes, blushing people and one-on-one conversations.

The point of this blog is to hopefully be able to record bits of me and traces of you and maybe we can all figure out who we are.

The aim is to make this a place of productivity; to share stories and provide full liberty to be as painfully pretentious as you please. Don't hold back!

Feedback will always be appreciated!

Let's see where this goes.


PS- Tell me something about yourself below?


  1. Reebz. :P A massive Dan Brown enthusiast and hoping to put myself out there in the real world and make an impact. Looking forward to a lot of my life ahead, and hoping I can make it a good one.

    Your blog is wonderful Sandy! :D

    1. hahah thank you Reebyyy!
      I can't wait to see what you'll get up to ;D
